Posts Tagged ‘Gay Romance’

Summer In Italy…

Alright finished “Call Me by Your Name” by Andre Acimen this morning,

It was a pretty quick read considering I started it yesterday at about 250 pages. The prose is inescapably beautiful and captured all the angst, excitement, and ups and downs of falling in love for the first time.

Quick Synopsis: House on the Beach in Southern Italy. The protagonist Elio, 17, finds himself falling for an American student who comes to stay with his family for the summer to finish writing a book under the guidance of Elio’s father a renowned professor.

There are some poignant insights into vulnerability and intimacy that still manage to strike you despite the classic themes and plot. The writing has a way of drawing you completely into the mind and emotions of the protagonist. I found myself fully involved in the insecurities, concerns, and tribulations of the character. It’s really an accomplishment when an author is able to write a love story with all the pain and obsessions of love without once allowing the story to become melodramatic. There’s such sincerity in his writing, and Elio speaks with a distinct voice full of wisdom.

Along with a moving reading experience, the novel reminded me how precious the time I have right now is. It put into focus how fortunate I am to be with the person I love, and how rare that really is. Not that I’ve ever really taken it for granted, and I am constantly amazed by the joys the littlest things can bring, but sometimes it can be exhausting and disparaging to be so far away from Andrew most of the time. Perhaps I connected with this because it’s such a perfect parallel of how things were when we met… except I get the happy ending! The story even seared open some things which I had shut myself off from in an effort to remain invulnerable, while allowing me to process those thoughts and ultimately realize again why that vulnerability is a gift. Thank you to my friend who recommended this, it’s really rare and lovely when art brings up both memories and enriches understanding of my own life on top of being a fantastic novel.

If you’re interested in reading more about “Call Me by Your Name” here’s a link to amazon’s page with reviews, synopsis, and of course the ability to buy.

Call Me By Your Name